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tv   The Journal Editorial Report  FOX News  May 6, 2018 12:00pm-1:00pm PDT

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>>chris: with honor as a distinguished group of advisers including robert gates and secretary of state, george schultz. that's it for today. have a great week. and we will see you next "fox news sunday". ♪ ♪ ♪ paul: welcome to the journal editorial report i'm paul gigot. big changes this week to the trump legal team and legal strategies as the president faces possible sit-down with special counsel mueller, white house lawyer ty cobb replaced by emmet flood, this as attorney giuliani revealed president made reimbursement for money paid to adult film star stormy daniels and leak of potential questions that special counsel robert mueller might ask mr. trump in an interview, something the president said friday he would
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love to do. >> i would love to speak, i would love to go, nothing i want to do more because we did nothing wrong. i have to find that we are going to be treated fairly because everybody sees it now and it is a pure witch hunt, right now it's a pure witch hunt. paul: joining the panel wall street journal columnist and deputy editor dan henninger, kimerly strassel and bill mcgurn. does it change a strange of strategy? >> oh, it does suggest change of strategy, flood is one of the absolute top defense attorneys in washington, he's known to be very aggressive, very precise and i think if the white house listens to -- donald trump listens to him, they should be in a position now to really fight back or at least contest with the mueller team, but based
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on the thoughts of donald trump, donald trump simply does not believe he's done anything wrong, he doesn't process the danger. he's going to have to listen to mr. flood, i think, if he has any prospect of success in resisting the mueller, the prosecution team. paul: kim, one of the things this suggests is that the white house's understanding that the big threat here is potential for impeachment if democrats take the house, not necessarily indictment but impeachment and flood is expert on impeachment? >> yeah, exactly. this is about move get away from just, worrying about a prosecution as you said, but rather to look at some of the issues that mueller seems to be focusing on, for instance, obstruction and the worry that you simply get a report from mueller at the end of the day that then democrats use it for impeachment grounds. so this is mr. flood's job is going to be try to get mueller
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to stand down on some issues like obstruction of justice. paul: yeah, bill, let's turn to mueller questions, more than 40 released. how do you read them as a road map to what mueller is doing? >> right, i think he clearly wants answers, i think he's fishing, i think the questions are outrageous. paul: how so? >> in terms of asking the president of decision -- paul: namely firing comey. >> i think the president has constitutional case against this, this may be his bet in sense of having rudy go out there. paul: how? >> executive officer to question the president about his motivations for decisions that are perfectly within his authority as president. paul: but, bill, kim got the question. >> this is the nature of special
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prosecutors. one thing i think people should acknowledge, this is a witch hunt. there was no crime in the beginning when they unleashed the special counsel. you don't have to believe that mr. mueller is a bad guy to think that special counsels are a bad idea, this is where it started, intlogz probe into possible russian collusion and now we are on a porn star's consensual relationship with the new york city playboy. paul: there's so many of them. they also got to the obstruction justice case. kim, knowing what you know of the president, the probe, would you advise him, would you suggest to sit down with mule sner. >> absolutely not. they are open-ended. they are designed to lead the president down natural tendency to talk and ultimately get him in a perjury trap and that should be what their legal team is very weary of and real ground
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rules before they even thought about sitting down. paul: i thought that there was good advice, alan dershowitz, answer written questions, any questions that get to obstruction of justice, article 2 powers under the constitution. dan, let's turn to stormy daniels, acknowledging rudy giuliani and michael cohen did pay her and did pay her to remain silent, what do you make of that? >> somebody finally recognized that the president had some vulnerability here in terms of the campaign finance laws, those are laws with criminal punishment, people have gone to prison for violating them, so you can't be frivolous with a charge like that and i think they recognized that they had to get their story straight, though they should have gotten the story straight the first time around because it is now embarrassing for the president to have to say, first of all,
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that he had no knowledge of the payments and now to admit he did that essentially he had made series of 30,000-dollar payments into michael cohen's bank account. you know, we have to say, paul, this is damaging to the president's credibility, both statements could not be true, he's now the president of the united states, he's dealing with larger issues like iran nuclear deal, the north koreans all whom are looking for credibility from the president of the united states, that didn't help. paul: it doesn't help him, bill, i agree with dan on this, if you're trying to say to the american public believe me on mueller, if you lied about stormy daniels -- >> look, it doesn't help, on the other hand u did anyone believe this at the beginning? paul: no. but that's another way of saying, nobody should believe the president on anything. >> a lot of people don't. [laughter] paul: but you can't operate like a president if nobody believes you in crisis? >> president trump has done that so far and a lot of people don't believe him.
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i believe it hurts credibility but i believe it's incredible that this is where we are from, again, an investigation that started into so-called russian collusion. paul: all right, thank you all very much, deputy attorney general rod rosenstein responding to an impeachment threat by house republicans with accusations of extortion. we will tell you what's at stake in the showdown between congress in the showdown between congress and the justice department woman: i stay active by staying in rhythm. and to keep up this pace, i drink boost optimum. boost optimum with 5 in 1 advanced nutrition helps support muscle, energy, bone, normal immune function, and vision. boost optimum. be up for life. you wouldn't accept bofrom any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase. i had a very minor fender bender tonight!
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for fail to go respond to congressional subpoenas, the lawmakers who have accused rosenstein of stone-walling are demanding access to classified documents relate today russia probe as well as potential surveillance abuses by the fbi. the president threatening to step in wednesday tweeting, quote, a rigged system, they don't want to turn over documents to congress, what are they afraid of, why so much redacting, why such unequal justice, at some point i will have no choice but to use powers granted to the presidency and get involved. kim, you wrote a very tough column this week saying -- about the justice department's lack of cooperation here. why do you think they are in the wrong? >> well, they're in the wrong because clearly we already know from what we have seen and has been unearthed by congressional investigators so far that the fbi used poor judgment throughout much of 2016, both in hillary clinton probe and in
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terms fisa abuse surveillance abuse and so what we are seeing now is congress attempting to zero in on some very specific questions it has about things that jim comey said, things that they believed that the fbi did in the course of that russia investigation against trump and the doj does not want that information to go public and that should alarm everyone. paul: kim, some of the objections from the house involved, redactions that were made insisted upon in the house intelligence committee report, you read that report, do you think that a lot of those redactions look to you like they're not based on actual threats to national security but are more in the realm of political protection? >> yeah, absolutely. there are some 300 redactions in there. members of congress who i talked to who were engaged in that report say that there's no need for nearly all of them, they go to the question of fbi's actions, the history here, paul, every time the department of
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justice and fbi has said that we shouldn't release something on the grounds of national security or because of some other reason, it turns out that the only reason they didn't want it relesion because it was embarrassing to the fbi or department of justice. paul: bill, elaborate on that, you have been following this throughout, oh, terrible damage and you see what they have come up with and it's nothing. >> remember the summary that the house intelligence committee was going to release and they put out release -- paul: justice department. >> justice department. paul: in the end it was politically embarrassing in some respects but hardly a threat to any national security. >> remember the questions here involved both the fbi and the justice department itself, it's not just the disinterested observer, a lot of this is about their behavior. look, i think it's incredible that a high-ranking justice official would talk about a legitimate congressional function as extortion.
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paul: yeah, what about that point? >> well, look, if you're an individual member of congress you can't say i demand this and i demand that. paul: justice has the right to withhold document ifs they are directly relate today criminal case and gentlemen perked -- jeopardize the case. >> it may be but hasn't been so far in the stuff that's came out so far. i'm not sure i buy that. the system is based through people knowing through elected representatives and when they act collectively or appropriate committees, remember, the reason that we have subpoenas is because the justice department didn't do anything when it was a request. they've had -- they've had chance after chance to act reasonably and they haven't and if congress decides to hold official in contempt, i think that's a good -- i think they are actually paying the price for not holding the irs commissioner in contempt back during the learner thing.
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paul: can you imagine holding republican appointed official from the justice department in contempt or impeaching them? i mean, i worked in this business a long time, that's not one i could remember. >> well, spectacle would be the word for that. it's been quite a circus already and, you know, i think you try to put the best face on it for the justice department and fbi, there's reputation that's trying to be protected here. we have gone past embarrassment, they are have to restore and there's one big event and we talked about it before, that's the justice department, inspector general michael's report on the fbi's handling of the 2016 election and that's going to include detail about james comey. i suspect it is not going to be -- it'll be harsh on james comey and andrew mccabe. when the report comes out it'll
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be baseline for discussing the subject. paul: kim, just the last question and briefly, where is donald trump on all of this, he's threatening to use presidential powers, but i guess me question is, if he wants this out, why doesn't he declassify it and get it out? >> the tweet that he came out on wednesday made clear he is immensely frustrate and did suggest that he was moving to declassification, it's his right, power he has under constitution and quick way to get this done with, move on it, declassify as much as possible and let the public sort it out. paul: all right, kim, thank you, still ahead as primary voters head to the polls tuesday in four key states, we will look at the races to watch, but confident nancy pelosi says she will retake the speaker's gavel but is she a liability for
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the 2018 billboard music awards, sunday, may 20th. only on nbc. paul: primary voters head to poll democrats with increasing optimism that they'll retake the house in november and even maybe the senate, confident nancy pelosi told the boston globe this week, quote, we will win, i will run for speaker, i feel confident about it and my members do too. karl rove, wall street journal columnist and former senior adviser to former president george w. bush. good to see you, karl, as you're looking at the races, which are the ones to watch and why? >> three big contests on tuesday starting with two senate races an one governor's race, indiana has a republican primary
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outsider former state legislator mike, two city members of congress and it is a toss-up as to who is going to win, the polling has been all over the place, whoever wins the nomination has got a good shot for being united states senator, new poll out showing that the generic republican, unnamed generic republican is running 5 points ahead of sitting democratic senator joe donly, a nomination worth having and as a result turned into a brawl. paul: let me follow-up on that, karl, this case brawn has positioned himself as outsider running against two members of congress, the political theme that we saw so dominant in 2016 with donald trump, hasn't rather stopped, slowed down the republican party? >> yeah, well, particularly in a state like indiana where first passed opposed. there's no run-off, if you say at least three of us, if i can get 36 or 37% of the vote, i'm
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likely to vote. he's a business guy, he did serve in legislature but todd was secretary of state, member of congress, luke mercer has been member of congress, rakita both went to same small college, southwest indiana and were in student government together, they've known each other a long time. paul: politics is just like high school. >> college. paul: are they all positioning themselves as supporters of trump, any -- and in this races are you seeing margin for people who are saying, who are criticizing the president? >> well, rakita did not support trump and -- and has been reminded that by meecer in ads, every republican in virtually every state who takes a stance against the president openly is going to hurt themselves in the primary because trump is very popular among republican primary
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voters and so the primary voters if you touch them a little bit, yeah, i don't like the tweeting, i think he's getting himself in trouble, i wish he would stop doing this, i wish he would stop doing that but they are not going to take somebody that comes out in the scene as somebody strongly opposed to the sitting president. paul: in west virginia republican primary is a contest of whether they can nominate somebody who can beat joe manchin? >> right. the morning consult polls show that the generic republican has a 14-point advantage over senator joe manchin, again close, new fox poll jenkins who represents the most democratic area of the state, he defeated a 19-term incumbent to get there, 25% of the vote, the state's attorney general, and don blankenship, nominated the republicans can kiss this race good-bye, this is a guy who went to jail, can't vote for himself because he actually lives in his
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registered to vote in las vegas, nevada, and once tried to get chinese citizenship, but went to serve federal time. the problem is while it's 25, 26, 38% of the voters are still undecided. so i want to be clear, i contributed money this week to jenkins, i know him, i was involved in fundraiser for him and campaign for congress. paul: thank you for acknowledging that. let's go to democrats, nancy pelosi about her chances, i talked to republicans and they are nervous about the prospects but they think nancy pelosi may be asset for them to be able to run against them, against her instead of the local representative in some of the individual races, what do you make of that? >> well, look, nancy pelosi has two challenges, first taking
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control of the house, she is a negative in republican districts, it's a way for republicans to bring voters back home and remind them of wh they don't want, she has a second challenge, there are a lot of democrat candidates who are realizing that nancy pelosi is a negative in swing districts. we have 10 democrats congress who say i won't support nancy pelosi, so think about that, you have to get 218 votes to be elected speaker of the house, what happens if democrats narrowly take control of the house, take 5, 7, 10, 12, you have 20 democrats who say i'm not voting for her. paul: well, never mind, i ran on that in the campaign and they will vote -- >> maybe, maybe but they're in swing district, they could well do that, if they do that in swing district, they will regret it two years hence. paul: thank you, karl for being here, when we come back another one of president's nominees facing a difficult road to
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confirmation, what to expect, dana
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9/11 interrogation program this as the gop begins to make good to target democrats in midterm elections for blocking nominees, new ad running in montana takes on senator john tester who led the charge against dr. ronnie jackson to lead the va. >> in montana revalue integrity and support our president but john tester spread false information about a respected navy admiral, helping dc democrats derail president trump's veterans affairs nominee, john tester has been part of the dc swamp for far too long. paul: we are bag with dan henninger, kim strassel and kate bachelder odell. so dan, let's go right to the tester ad. what do you make that as a campaign strategy and is it fair? >> it's a great campaign strategy and it is eminently fair because the democrats
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hold-up of not only ronnie jackson, mike pompeo, they will do it to jina haspil and many trump nominees has been in a word unfair, it has been preposterous. they are begin to go pay a price for that. the mike pompeo circus was watched by most of the american people and now we are going to see them do it again to jina haspel, they run the risk of energizing the republican base, bear in mind that's the big issue in midterms elections and the democrats have been trying to tamp that down but now with nominations, i think they will bring the republicans out. paul: kim, briefly though, tester might have understood what he was doing, taking a risk and probably needed to gin up his own base, how do you think it plays out in election? >> that's a problem that every single one of the red-state democrats faces is that the energy in their party right now is all from the progressive left and their main rallying cry is
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do not allow trump to have a functioning government, do not confirm any of these people, this is our standard and what we are going to judge you by and so tester and others feel pressures to block the nominations, problem is they live in a state where, you know, the vast majority voted for trump and if the republicans can energize their side on it, they might have the greater argument in the end. paul: all right, kate, let's turn to gina haspil, who is she? >> we haven't heard from her directly because only recently was her 33-year career declassified. she started as case officer in africa and worked the way up bureau. paul: she comes out of clandestined,. >> exactly. she's also the first woman, would be the first woman to lead the cia which usually democrats would be excited about and support but because of her
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involvement in some post 9/11 enhanced interrogation the democrats have decided to relitigate 2000. paul: paul ryan is -- >> he is. paul: explain that. this goes back to josé rodríguez, who was running the post 9/11 interrogation program and he ordered that the tapes would be -- should be destroyed because he didn't want some of the agents who were doing this to be exposed? >> he asked gina haspil to draft cable ordering destruction, rodríguez had not gotten authority to do what he asked gina to do. paul: and also, wasn't there not a special counsel investigation?
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>> exactly. no misconduct from gina haspil. paul: they never indicted rodríguez either. when the interrogation techniques were applied, they were legal, series of memos from the justice department saying that they were legal, correct? >> correct, the law has since changed and by all accounts gina is going to say at the committee that she has no intention of going back to the same program without the legal authority. paul: well, this leads to the question, if you are somebody at the cia who is tasked with protecting the united states and preventing another attack and you get a memo that says, you know what, this is legal for the following reasons, your job is not to say, wait a minute, it's your reading of that, are you sure about this in paragraph 6, your job is to say, okay, and go get the bad guys. >> right, she followed the directions of her boss and the left wanted her to behave like
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sally yates and refuse to follow the law. paul: dan, what do you make of this, i remember writing editorials more than a decade ago, i remember the mood at the time and i don't remember a lot of democrats waving hands and say, oh, my god, don't do these things, make sure that there's not another attack? >> i'm glad that you brought that up, paul, 9/11 nearly 17 years ago, both towers of world trade center collapsed, plane flew into pentagon, am i upset that the cia used enhanced interrogation techniques against al-qaeda suspects, i wasn't there and not to this day. the democrats will make big issue of that and i'm not sure it's going to play all that well for them, paul, if gina starts describing what the nature and environment was at that time and one more point, if barack obama had appointed her to be cia
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director, she would be getting almost unanimous support in the senate. paul: kim, briefly, do you think she's going to get through? >> it's going to be close, 50 votes, tie-breaker mike pence, some of this may depend on whether or not the white house begins to make a better case for her and responds to this criticism and puts pressure on those democrats we were mentioning to support this nomination or pay a price. paul: all right, thank you all, when we come back, israel makes its best case as president trump its best case as president trump makes decision. today, 97% of employers agree that skills like teamwork,
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hide and catalog secret nuclear files if not to use them at a later date? paul: israeli prime minister netanyahu making the case against the iran nuclear deal claiming that more than a hundred thousand documents seized proved that the agreement was based on lines and tehran is secretly maintaining its nuclear weapon's programs. netanyahu's presentation monday in tel aviv ahead of president trump's expected decision next week on whether the u.s. will exit the accord. president of the foundation for defense of democracies and it's good to have you back here, what did we learn from that presentation by the prime minister that we didn't know before? >> well, some of us knew and some of us didn't, it's clear now that iranian spokesman, not least foreign minister have been lying and been on numerous news programs and on tv saying, look,
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we never had a nuclear weapon's program, we don't want a nuclear weapon's program, some would say -- sometimes they claim it was against it, and we are not planning nuclear weapon's program for the future and all that was simply untrue, the iranians have been lie to go our faces and the faces of the europeans all of this time, they had the plans ready to go. we also learned from this a lot, more to be revealed, we haven't translated everything about the people involved in nuclear weapon's program, the sites where this work was being conducted and the equipment that was being used, this raises a lot of question that the atomic agency needs to pursue. they should say, we have to investigate and inspect the sites like we have in the past, we need to interview the personalities that are involved and see what they are up to now and we have to know where the equipment is, dismantled, ready to be reinstalled. all of this needs to be known.
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paul: john kerry and some of the architects of the nuclear deal, we knew they stored most of it and we needed to do the deal in the first place because we knew iran we wanted to pursue nuclear weapon, that's why we needed to contain it with the deal, what's your response to that? >> my response to that is john cer riry we call the possible military dimensions would be revealed by the iranian regime, they didn't, instead what we now know is that they were positive military dimensions to all this. you cannot have intrusive inspection regime and that's what kerry claims we have had unless you know that you can't say, well, let's go where you were producing weapons, nuclear weapon's triggers and let's see if you're doing that or not. we have not been able to inspect any military sites as though crazy idea military sites would
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be place where military weapons would be produced. we can ask for it and we have to wait so they can clean it up. what we understand is that this agreement never stopped iran from developing nuclear weapons, it may, may have delayed it in some respects but that's not even clear. the iranian plan, we know, i think, from this information is to get their economy back in shape through the lifting of sanctions and they've gotten billions of dollars from us and then at a time of their choosing go ahead, develop nuclear weapons which has always been their intention even as they've denied it. paul: the president faces a big decision next week and he's been negotiating, his administration has been negotiating with europe to get to a common ground whether to revise the deal, at least agree from this end, the western powers to revise the deal, how close are they? are they making progress on an
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agreement? >> probably not. i think two possibilities, one is that president trump will terminate the agreement. paul: right. >> french president emmanuel macron and chancellor angela merkel came to washington and try to convince him otherwise. macron says i don't think that we did. the other possibility is that he decides not to terminate for now but to do a couple of things, one is to impose sanctions outside of the nuclear framework, sanctions on terrorism, sanctions on the missile program and these are missiles meant to carry nuclear weapons, by the way, sanctions on a bunch of things, sanction the central bank of iran, the supreme leader's big economic fund and increase the pressure with the threat that the pressure will increase a lot more if the agreement is terminated but then the europeans can go back to iranians and say, look, you've been saying all along that you have met commitments and so americans should as well and
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you're not going renegotiate everything. we now know that you been lying, at least the worst flaws in the agreement have to be fixed, that means the sunset provisions which means that at a certain point they are welcomed in nuclear club in about 10 years. that has to be fixed. you can't keep developing missiles, that's not good. there are a few things -- yeah, go ahead. paul: i want to punish up with one point. we only have 30 second, but the president is going to north korea for a summit, what impact do you think withdrawal from this deal would have on that psychology of that summit? >> look, i think the deal -- the deal that trump gives to north koreans and the deal that trump gives to iranians has to be pretty much the same and in both cases it has to say you cannot have nuclear weapons, in the means of delivering them, we
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will do whatever we can to stop you, if you don't understand, if you think we will let you have nuclear weapons, then we've got a problem and we will deal with this problem. paul: all right, thank you very much, i appreciate it. still ahead as the supreme court wraps up another term, retirement rumors continue to swirl with liberals begging just swirl with liberals begging just as anthony kenny c hi, kids! i'm carl and i'm a broker. do you offer $4.95 online equity trades? great question. see, for a full service brokerage like ours, that's tough to do. schwab does it. next question. do you offer a satisfaction guarantee? a what now? a satisfaction guarantee. like schwab does. what are you teaching these kids? ask your broker if they offer award-winning full service and low costs, backed by a satisfaction guarantee. if you don't like their answer, ask again at schwab. and low costs, backed by a satisfaction guarantee. let's do an ad of a man eating free waffles at comfort inn. they taste like victory because he always gets the lowest price on our rooms, guaranteed, when he books direct at
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paul: with supreme court wrapping up an especially high term all eyes on justice anthony kennedy as rumors with possible retirement swirl once again. widely seen as swing vote and exit would give president trump the chance to fill his second supreme court vacancy, liberals are begging kennedy not to go
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with editorial saying that america needs you, we are back with dan henninger, bill mcgurn and wall street journal editorial board member allysia finley, what is this liberal desire to keep justice kennedy in the job? i mean, is it sincere? >> well, i think they are worried that donald trump will replace him with more conservatives and more decisions, 5-4 conservative majority. paul: lock it in for a number of years. >> for a number of years, you see that john rob ertsz is incremental, you haven't seen huge swings and also neil gorsuch, trump's last nominee, he's not been -- paul: lock-step conservative. >> exactly right n. recent case with internet sales tax, he was very questioning -- paul: he was disagreeing with some of the
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fundamental arguments that the justice department was taking on. >> as kennedy was. paul: that's right. if kennedy resigns this year, then you'd have a republican senate confirming replacement but if republicans lose the senate in november, then what would happen is that the democrats would probably not confirm any nominee -- >> right. no, no, like merrick garland case. 4-4 until the 2020 election. that'll be the stakes for the next two years. paul: that's something that justice kennedy has to think about not just for personal legacy but also functioning of the court. >> right. i think -- exactly. paul: okay. so what do you think in terms of kennedy's legacy, bill, would it be better if he was replaced by a republican and do you think he wants to be? he was appointed by ronald reagan. >> it depends what he values. people talk about the legacy,
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they have a specifically legacy in mind. paul: two things in mind gay marriage and abortion. >> federalism and state rights, look, he liked being the fifth vote, right, and a lot of cases you could say make a perfectly good case that kennedy would be on one side and you could make a perfectly good case that he would be on the other side and that's, i think, the same thing with his retirement, depends, there's incentives for him to leave and preserve some of the other legacy and to stay. paul: dan, another part of the legacy is kennedy's legacy on the first amendment. he's got a very strong juris prudence, free speech and as we know liberals including liberal jurists are moving sharply towards restricting some kind of speech. >> yeah, there's no question the first amendment is a big issue now as anyone who pays attention
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to the campuses understand. if i could, paul, i will try to step inside anthony kennedy's head which is an interesting place to be. [laughter] >> yeah, he is the swing vote. i don't think anthony kennedy regards his swing vote juris prudence, i suspect he wouldn't mind forcing the system in the senate or even president trump to pick a nominee who more reflects what i would call his swing vote juris prudence as opposed to commitments on the left and right which he would see as producing the polarization gridlock in congress and inevitable 4-4 votes in the supreme court. he'd like a more pragmatic force of juris prudence, that might not as rigorous as you get like some justices like scalia or gorsuch, i wouldn't be surprised at all if that's the direction in which anthony kennedy is trying to push the question of his success.
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paul: big cases, some big cases coming in next 7 weeks. >> gerrymandering cases u case on public union dues. paul: huge. >> big one, the master piece cake case and trump travel ban. blockbuster term. paul: all i can say, finley, you better get your pen ready. you'll be writing about it. we have to take one more break, when we come back, hits and misses of the week. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. most pills only block one. flonase. (vo)about what i eat.n selective this new beneful select 10, has 10 amazing ingredients!
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with the right steps, 80%of recurrent ischemicide. strokes could be prevented. a bayer aspirin regimen is one step to help prevent another stroke. so, i'm doing all i can to stay in his life. be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. >> time now for our hits and misses of the beak. kim, start us off. >> paul, a miss to motion picture for taking 40 years to
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get rid of roman polanski. he was convicted of raping a 13 year girl 1977. he fled the country and the academy has continued to shower him with nominations. even gave him an award in 2003 with a standing ovation from the crowd. this should have come within apology attached. >> kate? >> this is a hit for your home anytime guided by -- they keep reaching new lows but the reason this is a hit is because she refused to back down is this a beautiful dress and it was modest enough and i will do it again. it was good news with young lady who is not caving. >> alicia we met. >> california governor jerry brown. this week denounced epa administrator scott pruitt for
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proposing to rollback fuel economy standards raises this is evil and will fight evil wherever it rears its ugly head. he kind of takes a religious view i guess you would say. maybe there should be some separation between church and state here. >> i am giving a hit to the city of detroit michigan which filed for bankruptcy after being left for dead by the public unions several years ago. this week it was released from the financial oversight and the state of michigan which they had surpluses for last years is good to see a once great american city on the way back. >> michigan is a real success story in the last eight years. it really had a come back. and remember, if you have your own hit or miss tweet it to us.
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that is it for this week's show. thank you to my panel and all of you for watching. i am paul gigot. i hope to see all of you right here next week. quickly start with a fox news alert. the president attorney, rudy giuliani saying that robert mueller does not have the authority to subpoena the president of the united states figure indicates he does take the step, rudy giuliani is not ruling out the possibility that the president could take the fifth amendment. hello everyone looking for a brand-new hour of "americas news headquarters". i am eric shawn. equals laura engel sitting in for arthel neville. rudy giuliani has been taking a special counsel head on.but at the same time, mr. giuliani acknowledging that the president wants to speak to robert miller's team and clear